The Will to Win Podcast

The place where emerging entrepreneurs come to learn the best tips, strategies & techniques to unlock their potential, and become more successful. Our guests will share their own unique stories, knowledge, wisdom and insights about how they’ve been able to close the gap between failure and success and go on to live a life of greatness.

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Thursday Oct 26, 2023

It was an honour to have the opportunity to interview Sebastian Bates, not only a friend, but also someone I look up to, admire and see an incredible role model for the next generation of children and young people looking to develop their moral compass as they endeavour to navigate their way through the day to day challenges of life.
Sebastian Bates is the Founder of The Warrior Academy, an Entrepreneur, Mentor, Best Selling Author of the book, The Warrior Method, and host of the, “The Warrior Academy Podcast.” With a strong background in martial arts Sebastian launched a Martial Arts club in 2011 and Within 8 years it became a 7 figure, global organisation with 5,000 training, voted top 5 in the UK. By 2020 Sebastian was living in Dubai as the Personal trainer to the Royal Family and had launched a Global Anti Bullying campaign “Not A Victim,” which is regularly featured in the national press/radio.
During this episode I interview Sebastian about character development, self-discipline, parenting, ant-bullying, empowering children, protection verse over-protection, how to nurture your children, empowering children to become independent, preparing your child for adult life, the most important trait of parenting, getting through bullying, addressing negative attitudes towards bullying, developing your courage muscle, the three zones comprised of the comfort-zone, protection-zone, and the high performance-zone, dealing with hyper anxiety, and building resilience.
Some key points that were made included:
If the child is in the comfort-zone, the parents are in the comfort zone.
Parents need to step outside their comfort-zone first, and then encourage their child to follow them outside of it, then encourage them to do it on their own. This is how children move from the comfort-zone into the high performance-zone.
When a child is in the high performance-zone, it’s when they do something that is within their ability, but feels uncomfortable.
It’s in the arena of parenting that you really find out a lot about yourself and you have to learn how to live unselfishly. It’s a journey of self-discovery, just like Martial Arts.
We talk about Sebastian’s first gig as a Personal Trainer at the age of 19 running an Inner City Thai Boxing Club, the struggles that come with having no moral compass to guide you and lack of character, planting black belt seeds of good conduct, resilience, higher confidence, self-esteem, self-love, concentration, respect courtesy, integrity, moral values and good character.
Sebastian’s own unique story, living a life of adventure, taking huge risks pursuing base jumping around the world, while teaching martial arts in-between, how he escaped death and overcame the odds of never being able to walk again after a horrific wingsuit crash. While all this was going on, he ended up losing 15 of his closest friends doing the same sport that he loved. As this was happening, the Doctors treating him, believed he would remain disabled for the rest of his life and were shocked to see him make a full recovery.
Some final key points that were made included:
True fulfilment in life comes from serving others. Service through sacrifice leads to true fulfilment.
Life is not about chasing happiness, part of the human experience isn’t just about happiness, since it is like a fleeting emotion that you transition through.
The point of the human experience, is experiencing fulfilment and fulfilment is not a fleeting moment.
The happiest people on earth are the people who make the greatest contribution to humanity and the more you impact people, the more you empower them, and ultimately the more fulfilled you become.
If you can create a business which exists for a reason beyond making money, then suddenly you’re putting yourself in a position where you can have the worst financial year ever, but from an impact point of view, you might have had the best year ever.

Monday Oct 09, 2023

It was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to interview my friend Adnan Rasool, a world class Blogger who has studied philosophy, psychology, spirituality, relationships and financial IQ for over a decade and has excelled in the investment management and superannuation industry helping Australians create long term investment strategies to enable them to retire comfortably and live life on their own terms.
The wisdom offered in this episode is next level and I’m certain you’ll get a tone of value from it. In part 1 of this episode, we discuss how your values impact your life choices, break down your values hierarchy, understand how to become consciously aware of what your values are and avoid compromising them.
In  part 2, we discuss how our values and life choices impact our financial outcomes, what we can do to enhance our financial IQ, how to better manage our habits around money, and develop the emotional discipline that is required to become a brilliant investor.
Key points that stood out with regards to mastering our Values included:
There is always an opportunity cost of you doing anything.
Health is the only actual wealth and you build everything on top of it.
No amount of amazing relationships or money matters if you don’t have health.
Cognitive dissonance means that if the behaviour does not match the value, either the belief has to change or the behaviour has to change.
A good experience changes the way you do things, an amazing experience changes the way you think and that is priceless.
Self-awareness is the root of all self-improvement.
Key points that stood out with regards to mastering our Financial IQ included:
Financial IQ means that you have the freedom to choose how you spend your time and you have the freedom to liberate yourself.
Financial literacy in Australia is one of the lowest in the World, the financial literacy gap between women and men is quite large.
Only 36% of corporate workers in Australia are certain about their retirement
75% of all suicides in Australia are adult men which is more often than not due to financial stress. 40% of suicide attempts in Australia have been due to financial stress.
Money doesn’t solve problems, intelligence solves problems, you have to be smarter than money to make it work for you.
Money and pleasure are very cruel masters. There is no point making money if you’re going to blow it.
You must be willing to analyse your spending habits. Cynics always criticize, winners analyse, a pearl of wisdom from Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
It is better to be nerd who has financial freedom rather than to be a rockstar who is homeless.
Freedom from fear and greed is true freedom. There is only two ways to have enough, one is to seek more and more and the other is to be happy with less
Disclaimer: This is not investment and/or personal advice and the content of this article is of general nature – as per financial regulator’s (ASIC) classification. Seek financial advice which is tailored to your circumstances, purpose, needs, return/risk preferences and don’t wants which usually defines the wants.To find out more about the host of the Will to Win Podcast, follow him on Instagram stevescarnie or even on TikTok find out more about Adnan’s blog, feel free to check out his website or follow the socialinsanityblog on Instagram

Friday Jun 02, 2023

In this episode, I talk to Dr Vincent Candrawinata about the story behind his life altering health products and what led him to start his own health food supplement company in his pursuit to provide people with the optimum amount of antioxidant absorption within the human body. Through his company Revonatio which is endorsed by Coles & Woolworths, Vincent is committed to helping people live happier and healthier, so they can create what he likes to call a new life, one that empowers people to be able to create optimum health. Some of the key takeaways from this episode include:1 - The majority of antioxidant supplements in the market only have an absorption rate of 3-5% but with Vincent's technology, his products have an absorption rate that goes all the way up to 97%.2 - Before Dr Vincent came along, antioxidants were basically just promoted & marketed as just a beauty function or anti-aging substance but antioxidants do a lot more. They can help our body to be healthier and reduce the inflammation rate. 3 - You can't expect your body to function at an optimal level when you're feeding it nothing but junk food. Sometimes supplements are needed to supplement your life, your health & your nutritional requirements. 4 - You need to look after yourself so that you can look after other people in your life. This is since, if you're not feeling good about yourself, you're usually not in a good position to be able to look after anyone else. 5 - It's important to have good body posture throughout your day, since, whenever you slouch, your lung capacity is reduced by up to 30%. This means that your body is functioning with 30% less oxygen. As we work through the episode, topics of discussion  include, physical strength, healthy living, mental & emotional well-being, surgery, walking, academics, science, biology, physiology, entrepreneurship, having the right heart, the law of attraction, contribution to the community, and embracing your vision. Product creation & development, higher education, The University of Newcastle, apple trees, antioxidants, essential nutrients, nutrient content, Australian apples, potency & absorption of antioxidants, PHD research, the downside of chemical solvents, disease, health issues, inflammation, and  immunity.   Creating a healthy diet, fruit & vegetable consumption, healthy food, the love-hate relationship with food, improving your relationship with food, meal preparation, saving money by preparing your own food, exercise, movement, smart watch, counting your steps, accountability, nutritional intake, drinking juice and taking supplements. Social media management, self-love, self-image, personal appearance, imperfection, looking after your mental health, leading my example, being  positive, how to become selfless, metabolism, weight gain, weight loss, body image, eating habits, burning calories, lean body mass, asking for help & surrounding yourself with the right people.Sleep patterns, caffeine, coffee intake, priority management, daily tasks, duties & responsibilities, journaling your lessons, personal productivity, mobile phone habits, sleep deprivation and breathing patterns.  

Saturday Apr 22, 2023

Nicole Burska goes into detail about the mind and body connection and how it impacts our health and relationships and shares her own personal journey from being broken to making a complete recovery. She now uses  the lessons she has learnt along the way to help others overcome the same kinds of things that she herself went through. 
Some of the key take aways include:
- When you start to improve your mental health, your digestion will improve and when your digestion improves, so does your mental health.
- Physical touch, comfort, love, nurture, and warmth is more important than food. Our relationships proceed before our need to consume and digest food. 
- Parents who provide strong relationship stability as a child set their children up to become stable adults, while neglectful parents usually result in children becoming unstable as an adult. 
- Being vulnerable, opening up, and acknowledging the past pain and trauma that you experienced as a child growing up can lead to healing once you start to uncover the layers that have been repressed. In this episode Nicole talks about how the skin affects the body, improving body function without needing to resort to prescription drugs, how the quality of your relationships can enhance your mental health, how mental health impacts your digestion, understanding the gut/brain connection, how stress impacts your appetite, understanding the link between your mental health, relationships, digestion and hormones, how hormones impact your body functions, and stress management.Making sure your social circles are strong, rebuilding your relationships with friends, family work colleagues  and so on, the power of emotional touch, the monkey experiment, why comfort and warmth is important, why humans need to feel comforted and socially fulfilled, how to meet your biological needs, what connections contribute to our survival and well-being, understanding the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system, dealing with trauma, and adverse childhood experiences.Addressing depression, childhood relationships, why having genuinely good parents is detrimental to a child's long-term mental health & well-being, relationship psychology, social skills, emotional intelligence, finding role models, managing conflict, processing feelings, embracing your emotions, acknowledging your pain and working through it, using a journal to process past emotions that hurt you, and how naming your emotions can help you recognise them.Committing to change, breakthrough, how to surrender, becoming aware of your self destructive patterns and behaviours, how to work through your layers of pain and unresolved conflict, making better life choices, learning what contributes to making you feel good, and creating habits that support your ongoing growth and development. 

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

In this episode Edward Zia discusses how to use Linkedin effectively, why LinkedIn has become the platform of choice for business people, creating high value content, branding, getting exposure, expanding your social influence, and client conversion strategies, how to become more likeable, increase your following, embrace authentic business practices, increase your social attraction, create social proof, adding more value, flying with Virgin Airlines, booking flights, flying business class, copyright laws for content creation, and video production, relationship building, networking, conflict resolution, dealing with toxic people, haters and trolls and last but not least, choosing to stay positive in the midst of our storms. 

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

In this episode Rik Schnabel discusses techniques for personal change, increasing your energy, raising your vibration, altering your attitude, overcoming problems, achieving breakthroughs, self-empowerment, creating a winning mindset, teamwork, coaching and fulfilling your mission. 

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

This episode covers topics including self-love, self-esteem, confidence building, self-empowerment, being present, self-awareness and living your true authentic self. 


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